Garcinia Cambogia:
Garcinia Cambogia is a medium evergreen, shade-loving, relatively slow growing tree naturally found in the local tropical rainforests of Sri Lanka. The tree is small to medium sized with horizontal or drooping branches. Garcinia Cambogiahas been used in Sri Lanka since ancient times for culinary and medicinal purposes. The young Garcinia Cambogiafruits are green in color and it will gradually turn yellow when ripe. Once fully ripe, fruits are collected, cut in half, deseeded and sun-dried for a day. The sun-dried fruit halves are smoked till black, and are rubbed with a mixture of salt and oil before transferring to earthenware pots and tightly sealed. These will stay fresh for years.
Garcinia Cambogia has become the latest novelty to hit the health industry and has become in demand all over the world. Recent clinical studies have shown the effectiveness of Garcinia Cambogia in tackling weight loss and boosting the immune system.
Health Benefits: Effectively burns body fat & belly fat Suppress food cravings Contributes for belly fat Reduces stress and eliminates depression Lowers bad cholesterol Regulates blood sugar Improve metabolism
Lifetone’s Garcinia Cambogia tea
This tea is processed directly from the Matured Garcinia Cambogia fruit under the best of hygienic conditions. The production process was carried out with a perfect combination of experience and expertise. It was duly supervised by our quality assurance team which consists of seasoned herbalists, botanists and microbiologists to ensure that ensure that it retain it high nutritive value and allow for maximum digestion and absorption when taken. Lifetone Garcinia Cambogia Tea is carefully packed in 20 tea bags into 2 grams.
It is 100% free from any artificial or chemical ingredients or flavors. You can feel the difference as the thousands of consumers all around the world!
For better results, have the tea for twice a day.