Modern pharmacology and clinical research shows that NingxiaGoji berry is rich in 18 kinds of amino acids, 32 trace elementsand major elements, 6 kinds of long-chain essential fatty acids,7 kinds of vitamins, carotenoids and Goji polyssaccharide, itfound in the goji berry has been testified to be a powerfulsecretagogue (a substance that stimulates the pituitary toproduce human growth hormone). Through the scientists on thestudy of Goji and practice that the Goji with enhanced immunefunction and immune regulation, obvious function of promotingblood, have hypolipidemic, anti-fatty liver role of anti-tumor,Anti-aging effects. It mainly presented as inhibit free radicals,protecting DNA, enhance immunity, maintaining heart health,protection of the pancreas and liver, eye protection, and so on.Qixiangchun Dried Goji Berries are produced with extra care.The product has the superior features of high quality, plumpfruit, brilliant red color and sweet flavor, is a genuine all-naturalfruit, that retains the integrity of the Goji berry to enrich thenutritional content, can be directly consumed.